Deadline extended until December 15
Great news everyone! Your overwhelming enthusiasm for the upcoming EAWOP 2025 scientific programme has not been overlooked. We’ve heard your energetic calls and we’re thrilled to announce that we’re extending the deadline to December 15! Now you have more time to join this amazing adventure.
IMPORTANT: The submitting person is considered as the first author of the abstract and also the presenter. Do not submit an abstract on someone’s behalf.
IMPORTANT: When creating a new account, please check also your spam folder for verifying email form EAWOP 2025 system.
The EAWOP 2025 Scientific Committee is pleased to invite authors to submit their abstracts for oral, poster presentations and symposia, to be delivered at the EAWOP 2025 which will be held in May 21 – 24, 2025 in Prague (Czech Republic).
The timetable below the congress streams list sets out key dates for your attention.
The organizers of the EAWOP 2025 welcome the submissions of abstracts for original contributions to the field in the following Congress Streams.
Each submitter can have maximum of two submissions as first author!
(All abstract authors are asked to choose the closest relevant thematic area during the submission process)
Please note that after submitting the abstract your have 48 hours to make any corrections. After this period there are no changes possible, only under the fee of 50 EUR. To the already accepted abstract no changes are possible at all.
All abstracts are evaluated as at least two reviewers by double-blind review.
Important dates for Abstract Submissions
May 15, 2024 | Abstract submission open |
December 15, 2024 | Abstract submission close |
January 20, 2025 | Notification regarding general abstract submissions |
February 29, 2025 | Spakers registration deadline |
Abstracts for oral presentations, posters, and symposia may be submitted only electronically using the online form on the Congress website
In the case that electronic submission is not possible, please contact the EAWOP 2025 Scientific Committee at email address
EAWOP 2025 presentation formats individuals
By providing a flexible way of submitting abstracts, we are inviting you to help compose the overall congress scientific programme. Each author may select from wide range of different submissions types. Papers may be submitted as individual presentations or as a part of a symposium:
Oral Presentations: 15-minute time slot
Papers submitted to the EAWOP 2025 Congress Topics will be grouped together by the Scientific Committee into paper sessions allotted of 15 minutes including discussion.
Posters: electronical or size of the poster 120 cm (height) x 90 cm (width)
Poster sessions allow presenters and attendees to engage in extended personal discussions regarding presentations that is in paper/cloth or electronical format.
NOTE: Participants who wish to submit an individual paper may choose between an oral presentation and poster. Both oral presentations and posters submitted and accepted by the Scientific Committee will be handled within the grouped by thematic sessions category topics and the best effort will be exercised to create groups of presentations related by their themes in order to promote networking among the presenters and their audience and in order to facilitate meaningful discussion As the distinction between oral presentations and posters is only a matter of the presentation mode, submissions in both categories will be assessed by the same scientific criteria. The Scientific Committee will determine the final mode of presentation, also taking into account the quality of the proposals, their relationships, temporal and technical possibilities.
Symposia: 90-minute time slot
A symposium is a focused session in which multiple (3-5) participants present their contributions related to a shared theme. The format of a symposium usually consists of an introduction to the topic by the Chairperson to provide the audience with a background for the ensuing discussion. Participants then present their viewpoints, followed by interchange among participants and between the audience and participants. Often the symposium will end with an overview of the proceedings by the chairperson or a discussant.
- The abstracts will be accepted in English language and Latin letters only.
- The abstracts will be accepted only via online EAWOP 2025 Submission form.
- Abstracts will be made available to the participants in an electronic form. The author is solely responsible for the ethical and scientific content of the submission as well as for its proper grammatical and stylistic form.
- There are no fees for submitting abstracts
- The complete abstract is submitted by the Chair of the Symposium including each participant’s presentations.
- All symposia participants have to create their EAWOP 2025 account before the symposium submission.
- Do not submit the symposium if you do not have all presentations from your symposium participants and you know any of your participants has no EAWOP 2025 account.
Panel Discussion: 90-minute time slot
A panel discussion is a focused session on actual/hot topic where multiple (up to 5) participants can discuss and share their opinions and insights on a specific theme.. The format of a panel discussion usually consists of an introduction to the topic and each participant by the Chairperson, to provide the audience with a background for the ensuing discussion. Participants then present their viewpoints to asked questions, followed by interchange among participants and between the audience and participants. Often the panel discussion will end with an overview of the proceedings by the chairperson.
NOTE: If English is not Author’s first language, we recommend that the abstract is checked by somebody who is fluent in English prior to submission.
EAWOP 2025 presentation formats for invited speakers
Keynote Addresses
An Invited Keynote Address is a lecture scheduled for 60 minutes, including discussion time, presented by an outstanding invited speaker. All Invited Addresses will have a Chair who will introduce the speaker and moderate a short discussion or select questions from the audience.
State-of-the-Art Lectures
State-of-the-Art lectures are presented by EAWOP 2025 invited guests..
The time allotted will be 45 minutes + 15 minutes discussion time. A Chair will introduce the speaker and moderate a short discussion, or select questions from the audience.
Invited Symposia
Invited Symposia are preferably multi-national sessions consisting of three to five presentations and a discussion on a specific topic. Colleagues who will be invited to chair a symposium are asked to gather a group of speakers and discussants for lively exchange, including the state of research and future challenges in their specific field. Invited Symposiums have a duration of 90 minutes.
Provocation Sessions
At this format we will focus on exciting topics. There will be debates in a prominent time slot that will be chaired by leading expert.
Guidelines for the Individual Abstract Structure(Oral presentation and Poster):
1. Title of presentation: Please choose a brief title (maximum of 100 characters) that clearly indicates the content of the contribution. Please avoid abbreviations in the title. Abbreviations may be used in the text if they are defined when first used.
2. Principal author: Name, highest educational degree obtained, email and complete mailing address, cell and work telephone numbers, institution, business affiliation (department, school, agency, or company, etc.), city and state. In instances of multiple authorship, the person whose name is listed first is expected to deliver the presentation.
3. Co-authors: their names, highest educational degree obtained, their institution/business information.
4. Preference: for presentation in a poster session or a paper session.
5. Thematic Area: Please choose one of the thematic area.
6. Abstract: Please ensure that your abstract contains no more than 300 words. Please avoid diagrams, illustrations, tables, references or graphics in the abstract. Provide maximum relevant information in the abstract and if the subject matter is empirical, the following structure is obligatory: The objective, methods, results, conclusions.
7. Key-words: Please indicate 3 keywords for your abstract.
Symposia Abstract Structure (Symposia duration 90 min):
1. Title of presentation: Please choose a brief title (maximum of 100 characters) that clearly indicates the content of the contribution. Please avoid abbreviations in the title. Abbreviations may be used in the text if they are defined when first used.
2. Thematic Area: Please choose one of the thematic areas.
3. Abstract – General Summary: Please ensure that your abstract contains no more than 300 words. Please avoid diagrams, illustrations, tables, references or graphics in the abstract. Please ensure that the abstract does not contain spelling, grammar or scientific notation errors to avoid such errors being reproduced in the Congress publications.
4. Chairperson: Name, the highest educational degree obtained, email and complete mailing address, cell/mobile and work telephone numbers, institution/ business affiliation (department, school, agency, or company, etc., city and state)
5. Participants: their names, highest educational degree obtained, their institution/ business information.
6. A Summary of each presentation – Participants: Please ensure that your abstract contains no more than 250 words. Please avoid diagrams, illustrations, tables, references or graphics in the abstract. Provide maximum relevant information in the abstract.
7. Discussants: if any
- The complete abstract is submitted by the Chair of the Symposium including each participant’s presentations (all participants have to have their EAWOP 2025 account created).
- Do not submit the symposium if you do not have all presentations from your symposium participants.
Panel Discussion Abstract Structure (duration 90 min):
1. Title of presentation: Please choose a brief title (maximum of 100 characters) that clearly indicates the content of the contribution. Please avoid abbreviations in the title. Abbreviations may be used in the text if they are defined when first used.
2. Thematic Area: Please choose one of the thematic areas.
3. Abstract – General Summary: Please ensure that your abstract contains no more than 300 words. Please avoid diagrams, illustrations, tables, references or graphics in the abstract. Please ensure that the abstract does not contain spelling, grammar or scientific notation errors to avoid such errors being reproduced in the Congress publications.
4. Chairperson: Name, the highest educational degree obtained, email and complete mailing address, cell/mobile and work telephone numbers, institution/ business affiliation (department, school, agency, or company, etc., city and state)
5. Discussants: their names, highest educational degree obtained, their institution/ business information.
- The complete abstract is submitted by the Chair of the Panel including each participant’s information (all participants have to have their EAWOP 2025 account created).
- Do not submit the panel if you do not have all information from your participants.