Chair: Katja Wehrle; Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Date: May 21st, 2025
Time: 13:00 – 16:00 (Half-day session)
Price: 40 EUR
Capacity: 2O People
Qualitative research is well-suited for addressing ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions, understanding the world from the perspective of those studied, testing underlying assumptions of existing theory, exploring new research topics and phenomena, and articulating processes. The interest in qualitative research has grown in the field of Work and Organizational Psychology, leading to an increase in its use. Conducting and/or reviewing empirical qualitative work requires an understanding of the purpose and foundations of qualitative research as well as of the considerations that underlie qualitative research designs and their application.
This workshop will explore the purpose and foundations of qualitative research, debunk common ‘myths’ surrounding it, and provide insights into different approaches to theorizing. It will then turn to qualitative interviews – a common method in qualitative research that is often combined with other elements of qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The workshop will offer participants guidelines for conducting and assessing research using a qualitative interview design, along with insights on establishing study rigor. Resources and references will be provided to support participants in planning and implementing qualitative studies. Links will be made to theory and research on the use of qualitative research as well as to exemplary articles in the field.
The main learning objectives of this workshop are to:
- Understand the purpose and foundations of qualitative research, and debunk the ‘myths’ surrounding it
- Identify the benefits and challenges of conducting qualitative research
- Gain insights into different approaches to theorizing
- Understand important considerations in designing a qualitative research project
- Identify how to establish study rigor, credibility, and trustworthiness
- Obtain a practical guide to conducting qualitative interviews and/or reviewing qualitative research, also for those more familiar with quantitative methods
- Attain resources for further reading and training
The workshop will include presentations, group activities, and exercises in pairs. Participants will receive the opportunity to consider and reflect on their own research ideas. The presenter is available to answer any questions about the workshop and can be contacted via email.
This workshop is designed for researchers at any career stage who seek to understand the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of qualitative research and the ‘how’ of interviewing, including a practical guide for getting started. The content will also be relevant for those involved in reviewing qualitative work.